Join us for a PDRA position
For Postdoc (and Research Assistant) applicants:
Check the Univeristy vacancies page for available positions
Send your resume (CV) and a short email to and let us know why you're interested in joining the Scherman Group.
If you don't see an open position that's a perfect match for your skills and experience, but you're still interested in joining us, send us an email! We're always looking for great talent, and if we'll keep you in mind for future opportunities if we don't have anything currently available.
Postdoc Fellowships
If you are planning to spend the next step of your career in the Scherman Group, we also recommend you to look into independent research fellowships.
Fellowships accepting applicants from all countries:
Natural Environment Research Council Career Development Award
Royal Society Funding Schemes (including Dorothy Hodgkin, Sir Henry Dale and University Research fellowships)
Schlumberger Foundation, Faculty for the Future (Female citizens of developing countries or emerging economies)
Science and Technologies Facilities Council, Ernest Rutherford Fellowship
Fellowships accepting applicants from European Countries only:
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher, Leopoldina Postdoc Stipendium (Researchers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
Estonian Research Council (Researchers who obtained doctoral degree from Estonian university)
Fundación Alfonso Martín Escudero Research Grant (Spanish nationals)
Rubicon Program Postdoc Fellowship (Researchers at Dutch universities and institutes)
Säätiöiden post doc-pooli Research Abroad (Researchers who received a doctoral degree in Finland)
Swiss National Research Foundation, Early Postdoc Mobility (Swiss nationals or resident in Switzerland and completed >2 years research in a Swiss Research Institution)
Vetenskapsrådet International Postdoc (Researchers with a degree from a Swedish HEI)
Fellowships accepting applicants from China & Hong Kong only:
Croucher Foundation Fellowship (Permanent residents of Hong Kong)
Fellowships accepting applicants from North America only:
Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (Canadian citizens or permamnent residents of Canada)
Fulbright Scholar program (Applicants from U.S.)
Life Sciences Research Foundation Postdoc Fellowship (U.S. citizens)
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation (U.S. citizens)